Monday, March 17, 2008

DIY Macro Studio

So I found this post on Strobist that gives you information on how to build your own macro studio. I found it very helpful because I had been getting into using the macro function on my camera, but it seemed like every time I would take a picture it would come out grainy...I didn't have the best lighting and I am just learning about it. So I followed the directions, I already had all the materials needed and I set up shop. Sure enough my pictures came out much better. But I don't have the greatest lights, I'll need to get some more if I want to take pictures when it's dark out. I was relying on the natural light. I'll post up some pictures of what my studio looks like and the pictures I took from it.


Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

How marvelous!!! I'm interested in this.


Hugs, JJ

textilnik said...

I have same problem with (lack of) light. This is great idea, thanks for sharing.

Unknown said... inspired by this. :)

Alexa said...

this looks great! I've been wanting to make my own one of these!