Saturday, September 29, 2007


This is such a huge leaf, you couldn't tell by the picture, I think the texture of it almost look like plastic. I brought this into Photoshop and did some adjustment layers on it to give it that look.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


I really like the art of typography, certain fonts and ornaments catch my eye. I'd like to take a series of photos all on typography.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Old Capital Building

Visited the capital of Florida this past weekend, for the first time. I always wondered why they chose that as the capital since it's not very central, but I guess at the time it was the closest city between St. Augustine and Pensacola. I really liked how the awnings looked so I wanted to emphasize that in this picture. The sun was just coming out from the clouds, looks like if I waited a little longer there would've been some defined shadows casting on the building from the awnings.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Here's another shot of a statue at the Ringling Museum in the rose garden. I really liked the details in the hair and clothes from the back. Old statues have an eerie look to them, so I brought it into Photoshop and desaturated the picture a little.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Snapshot A Day

So I started my sister blog, A Snapshot A Day, two months ago and I wanted to give it a go for a little while before I mentioned it on here. My goal for this new blog is just another step in my venture of becoming a photographer. I plan on posting and new picture or at least taking a new picture a day to polish my skills. So far I think it has helped. There's been a few days where I have been MIA and didn't get to post a picture, I gotta get better at that, maybe learn how to make a new post from my phone. But, all in all I've been very good at taking pictures everyday. Please take a look at my new blog if you haven't already.

Mansion Statues

The Ringling Museum was just a photographers playground! These statues were on the side of the mansion towards the back. I had been taking pictures of just the white statue and thought they were a little boring. I came across this statue in the foreground and decided to try and get both statues in the shot. After uploading this image on my computer and taking a look it almost looks like the white statue is scolding the darker one in the foreground, thought it made for an interesting composition.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Rose Garden

These roses came from the garden at the Ringling Museum in Sarasota. I like taking pictures of imperfect flowers because it just shows that nature isn't perfect just like humans. The wilting rose on the top gives off a sense of drama.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Inside the Ringling Mansion

Inside the mansion you couldn't take photographs with a flash. Usually when I take indoor photographs if there is enough lighting I don't use the flash, so it was ok. A lot of my pictures came out blurry though, I was trying to move fast so I wouldn't be in the way.

Last blogger to tag me: Ronald Soo’s blog spot

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Back of Mansion

This place was so beautiful. There was so much to take in, so many pictures to take it was hard to decide what pictures to take. I was just taking as much as I could and coming up with compositions as I walked along. The mansion was so massive that trying to take a picture of it in one shot from the back was impossible. At the time I wasn't even thinking about taking a panoramic stitch.

Statue of David

So I guess this Statue of Davis is a cast of the real one. The statue is pretty massive especially the hands! In the second picture of the art museum courtyard you can see the shadow of the statue in the grass. I like taking pictures like this, one of the subject and one of the shadow.

Ringling Museum

So I went to the Ringling Museum over the weekend and took tons of photos. This is one of my favorites. I was snapping pictures of this cool looking gate and last minute I noticed this awesome shadow the gate was casting on the ground, so I moved around where I could see it the best and this shot came out.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Lake Winnipesaukee

This is one of the tallest pictures I've taken. When I took the picture I was too close to the house to get from the canon to the top of the flag all in one shot. I took two shots not really thinking at the time that I could stitch them together. I realized this after I uploaded the pictures onto my computer. I took it into Photoshop placed the two pictures together, did levels to get the color to match on both and had to clone stamp out a rope that was blowing in the wind and didn't line up in both pictures. I'd like to do one of those panographies mentioned on Photojojo, where you take tons of pictures of the subject and later stitch all the photos together.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I always need to have my camera handy with this cat. I finally found the best spot to take a picture of him without so much moving around, the tub, he loves to lay down in there. This is his version of the Psycho shower scene. Well, I learned that putting the camera on the continuous shot mode and the pet setting, I'll come out with a few decent shots. That's when you can get those candid yawning shots.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

All Star

Another shoe shot! One of my favorite pairs of shoes, they can definitely tell a story. I had many pairs of these shoes growing up. The shot was slightly grainy when I took it, since the shoe was a little grungy I decided to give it more of a grainy look.

Monday, September 10, 2007


I've been on a glasses photo shoot kick lately. I guess you could say this is another one of my themes.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Thursday, September 6, 2007


My favorite card game of all time! I decided to come up with some themes to take pictures of, I figure it will give me more motivation to take pictures. So far two themes I have are games and candy. I'll be posting more pictures on here from some of these themes.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My Shadow

With this picture I tried being a little artistic, including my shadow while taking the picture. I think sometimes with the right composition this can work pretty well.

Lone Shell

I love everything about this photo except that the shell isn't sharp enough. I used the macro function on my camera, but at the beach it's hard to see in the view finder. Sometimes it's like shooting blind. I should get something to put over my view finder for some shade next time I'm at the beach.

Monday, September 3, 2007


I went to the beach this nice long three day weekend. It was so incredibly hot, it was kinda miserable. I took as many pictures as I could before my feet started burning up from the sand. I noticed that it's very hard taking pictures on the beach because everything looks so dark in your viewfinder, and sometimes the pictures come out with a shade of blue. This is something I'll have to keep practicing.